Acts 2:1-21
This Sunday is the Day of Pentecost, celebrating the day the Holy Spirit was poured out among the small, first community of believers in Jesus Christ. It is often referred to as “the birthday of the Church”.
Every Day of Pentecost, the same Scripture is read: Acts 2:1-21.
We Presbyterians tend to be a thinking sort, not accustomed to, nor very comfortable with, the Holy Spirit. What does it mean to you, if you have been baptized, that you yourself are baptized into the Holy Sprit?
Notice that the apostles could suddenly speak foreign languages (but no “in tongues”), and everyone, from many lands, could understand them. Why do you suppose this happened? What would it be like if you could suddenly understand all languages?
Why do you suppose Luke (the writer of the Book of Acts) quotes from the prophet Joel?
If you were to undertake a serious exploration of the power and presence of the Holy Spirit in you, and in MBPPC, how would you begin? What would you expect to happen?