Now is the time

As MBPPC prepares to live through the transition that includes my retirement, welcoming an interim pastor, and welcoming a new permanent pastor, I want to challenge everyone to ask two questions:

What is my role in sustaining the mission and ministry at MBPPC?

What is my role in preparing for a new chapter in the life of this 120-year-old congregation?

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Chelsea Hockenbery
the good news

Our newly-reconstituted Children’s Ministry Team met on Sunday, February 2nd, to continue the process of rebuilding our Sunday morning mentoring program (i.e., Sunday School). During the pandemic, my wife, Lisa, and I kept in touch with children via in-person and Zoom visits. But our Sunday mentoring was put on hold.

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Chelsea Hockenbery
Mercy. Mercy!

Last week, the Right Reverend Mariann Budde, Episcopal Bishop of Washington, D.C., closed her sermon preached before President Donald Trump, Vice President J. D. Vance, members of their families and their cabinet, by appealing for mercy toward immigrants and people who identify as GLBTQ. Her remarks had two results:

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Chelsea Hockenbery
Touching base with the essentials

At the start of a new year and a new presidency, it seems like a good time to touch base with the essentials.

According to our Lord Jesus Christ, among the 613 laws and precepts in the Hebrew Scriptures (including the Ten Commandments), these two are the greatest:

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind” (Deuteronomy 6:5; Matthew 22:37);

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Chelsea Hockenbery
The Year of Lasts

One of my recently-retired colleagues described his final year of ministry as The Year of Lasts. While it is true that I am now within the borders of my last year, I am not finding “the lasts” to be particularly fraught. For example, Christmas Eve, 2024, was my last Christmas Eve as an active pastor. I was neither flooded with memories of Christmases past, nor anxious that this one had to be spectacular. In fact, my prayer was: “Loving God, let me be free to live in the moment and have a good time celebrating Christmas Eve.”

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Chelsea Hockenbery
Passing the faith down through all the generations

As we begin 2025, I want to let you know that I will retire from serving as pastor at MBPPC, and from ordained ministry, later this year. At the congregational meeting scheduled to follow worship next Sunday, January 12th, I will share details of my plans. For now, let me say that I am announcing this decision now so that we will have plenty of time to continue our ministry together, to lay the groundwork for the transition, and to look forward to the next chapter in the life of this unique worshipping community.

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Chelsea Hockenbery
let us give God thanks

As 2024 comes to a close, we at MBPPC have so much to be grateful for!

We have worshiped every Sunday and on holidays, blessed by a beautiful sanctuary to gather in, with inspiring music provided by our choir, Tim Beggs, and a variety of guest musicians. We have heard God’s Word and shared the Eucharist in the power of God’s Holy Spirit.

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Chelsea Hockenbery
This Christmas Eve will be . . .

This Christmas Eve will be my 30th serving as pastor at MBPPC.

I am writing this week’s installment mostly for those of you who were born in 2000 or after, members of the so-called Generation Z. You are much on my mind, and some of you whom I know personally are in my prayers. Your experience of life is far different from the way mine was at your age. Even in 1995, when I celebrated

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Chelsea Hockenbery