Matthew 22:15-22
We move from parables to provocateurs as we read Matthew 22:15-22 this coming week. The religious authorities, infuriated by Jesus’ parables, in which they see themselves challenged and criticized, turn to figuring out a way to silence him. It starts small — little tests of doctrine, logic, and religious observance. It will grow steadily more ominous, and, in the end, deadly.
For now, however, they begin to grasp the wisdom of this itinerant preacher from Galilee.
Who were the “Herodians” whom the Pharisees enlisted? A little online research should give you some idea.
Why would Herodians be focused on something like Roman taxes?
What do you think of Jesus response? Can you see why his opponents went away “amazed”?
Have you ever given thought to the intersection between your faith and the obligations imposed on you as a citizen of the United States? Have you ever refused to follow civil law for reasons of conscience based on faith (e.g. paying taxes, serving in the armed forces). Have you ever exempted yourself from a cultural norm because of your faith (e.g reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, opposing racist or other oppressive practices)? Many Christians have, and still do. In the Presbyterian Church we believe in “individual right of conscience” — each Christian, while not compelled by the Church, is free to follow his or her conscience in such matters.