Acts 2:1-21
This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday. It is our celebration of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit among us, each and all. The reading is the same on Pentecost Sunday every year: Acts 2:1-21.
The season of Easter is 50 days long. When it ends, the Day of Pentecost is celebrated, the word “Pentecost” meaning “Fifty”.
Read Acts 2:1-21. As you read, take time to see, hear, smell, and experience all the sensory details in the story.
Even on that day there were some who scoffed at the believers: “But others sneered and said, ‘They are filled with new wine’” (Acts 2:13). How does it feel to know that you are not alone in having people near you reject, and even mock, your faith?
We may not get to experience the miraculous power of the event described in Acts 2:1-21; however, we can take courage from its affirmation (quoting the prophet Joel) that “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved” (Acts 2:21). How does this bring you consolation in these days of so much grief, sorrow, and frustration?