Micah 5:2-5a/Luke 1:39-45
On this fourth and final Sunday of Advent, we will read from Micah 5:2-5a and Luke 1:39-45.
Pay close attention, in both readings, to how God works among the marginalized and powerless. This is an abiding theme in Scripture; it runs counter to our cultural narrative of success, celebrity, wealth, and power.
Read all of Luke 1. It is the longest birth narrative in the Gospels. Why do you suppose Luke goes into such great detail?
What do you make of the statement that “Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit” (Luke 1:41)? Elsewhere, it seems no one gets the Spirit given to them until after Jesus has been raised from the dead (see John 20:22 or Acts 2:1-21). How does that work?
Finally, take close note of Mary’s faith (see Luke 1:45, but also Luke 1:26-38). Mary is, perhaps, the greatest model of faith in all the Bible.