Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19 / Isaiah 7:10-16
On the fourth and last Sunday in Advent, we read Isaiah 7:10-14. It is not one of those “greatest hits” passages from Isaiah that we hear sung in Handel’s “Messiah”. But it does have its moment!
In order to orient yourself, read a bit about Ahaz, who is mentioned right up front in Isaiah 7:10. Ahaz did something he should not have done to try to protect Judah. See if you can find a reference to that in your Bible or other commentary (there may be a helpful footnote at Isaiah 7:1-2).
This is an interesting moment in which Isaiah gets involved in Judean politics. How might a present-day prophet intervene with the ruler of a nation?
In direct response to Ahaz’ refusal to trust God, “the Lord himself will give you a sign” (Isaiah 7:14). What is the sign? What will be the result of this sign’s appearance?
Research the name “Immanuel”, and consider how this prophesy lines up with the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ.