Matthew 21:33-46
As we continue to read in the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus has now entered the city of Jerusalem. He has been confronted by the religious authorities, who seek to hold their power in the presence of this itinerant preacher who, many claim, is the Messiah.
In this Sunday’s reading — Matthew 21:33-46 — Jesus tells a parable that challenges the religious leaders who seem less interested in serving the Lord than in self-serving.
In verses 45-46 it is made clear that the religious leaders are the focus of Jesus’ parable, and it is a challenge to them. Does the Church today focus more on holding its own power than serving the Lord? How?
What do you think, for us Christians today, one might make of Jesus’ caution that “the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people that produces the fruits of the kingdom” (verse 43)?
On the other hand, if we are the ones that “produce the fruits of the kingdom” what are those fruits? How are we faithful to the Gospel at MBPPC? How can we be ever moreso?