Now is the time

As MBPPC prepares to live through the transition that includes my retirement, welcoming an interim pastor, and welcoming a new permanent pastor, I want to challenge everyone to ask two questions:

What is my role in sustaining the mission and ministry at MBPPC?

What is my role in preparing for a new chapter in the life of this 120-year-old congregation?

To the first question, I want to emphasize that we Presbyterians believe that the mission of the church emerges from the congregation, and not the pastor or session. In 2005, I challenged the MBPPC congregation not to commit a penny toward any mission projects, and not to launch any new ministry projects or programs, until we all prayed two questions for an entire summer:

Who are we, Lord?

What kind of church are you calling us to be?

I would challenge everyone to the same prayer exercise, beginning today. In 2005, this exercise led to a significant re-structuring of how the session (church board) works. It also led to replacing standing committees with more nimble ministry teams that could form around specific areas of our mission, and flex to lead successful projects, whether they were one-day efforts (clean up the grounds), short-term (gather clothing to give to charities for Christmas), or long-term (run the Sunday school). It also led to our current Vision Statement:

MBPPC is a congregation in which we actively engage in spiritual friendships. We pray for and with each other, study scripture, and to Into the world as disciples of Jesus Christ.

Now is the time to ask God if this vision still lives and breathes among us or, if not, to ask, Who are we, Lord, and what kind of church are you calling us to be?

To the second question, I would lift up the areas of our mission and ministry that, I believe, need to be revitalized:

  • Sharing your faith

  • Inviting others to join in with MBPPC’s worship, learning, and community service projects

  • Children’s Ministry

  • Youth Ministry

  • Building up spiritual friendships.

Now is the time for everyone at MBPPC to pull together. It cannot happen without you!

In Christ,


Chelsea Hockenbery