Plans, Guidance and Prayers through September

I want to record, here, the plans I spoke about at last Sunday’s congregational meeting, at which I shared my decision to preach my last sermon at MBPPC on Sunday, September 7, 2025, and to retire from the ministry at the end of that month.

First, my main goal is to continue to do what I was ordained to do: preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, teach the Bible, provide pastoral care to the MBPPC worshipping community, and lead the administration of church ministries and programs.

Second, I plan to rebuild the Worship Team and the Children’s Ministry Team, equipping team members to understand and guide those ministries as pastoral leadership transitions to an interim pastor and a new permanent pastor.

Third, to memorialize church practices in the form of a notebook comprising an operations manual and other detailed instructions about how MBPPC carries out worship, programs, missions, building maintenance, and other essential tasks.

Finally, I am praying for this congregation as it prepares to elect ruling elders to serve on session, and, eventually, a pastor nominating committee. I am also praying that all of us can enjoy meaningful worship, mission, and spiritual friendships throughout the coming nine months.

I would solicit your prayers for all these things as well.

In Christ,


Chelsea Hockenbery