Our annual Spiritual Giving Campaign has begun!
During these days from October 6 to October 27, we are gathering the resources needed to sustain the ministry at MBPPC, and fulfill our mission for 2025. I strongly encourage everyone to take a Spiritual Giving packet from the back of the sanctuary, or ask Office Manager Clare Conrad to send you the materials — mbppc@mtbakerchurch.org
Here are two very important things to pray about and keep in mind for this year’s Spiritual Giving Campaign:
Please give high priority to making commitments of time and talents. Since the end of the pandemic, MBPPC has experienced a steep decline in participation in core ministries and the ministry teams that lead them. Currently, there is no functioning ministry team for:
Children and Youth Ministry
Worship Ministry
Finance Ministry
New Member Ministry
Property and Maintenance Ministry
While we are maintaining these ministries to some degree, all of them are underperforming because they lack teams of congregation members to organize, recruit, plan, and lead their various tasks. Please pray for the strength of all these core ministries…and pray for God’s guidance in how you can commit to strengthen them in 2025.
Second, the ideal outcome of our Spiritual Giving Campaign is that everyone in the MBPPC worship community, members and friends, chooses their level of commitment, fills out their Spiritual Giving cards (one for financial commitments and one for time-talent commitments) and returns them to the church by Sunday, October 27th. This allows the Session (the church board) the best way to plan for all our ministries in 2025.
We will dedicate all the commitments to God in our worship service on Sunday, October 27th.