MBPPC's Spiritual Giving Campaign Kicks Off this Sunday, October 6

The annual MBPPC Spiritual Giving Campaign officially kicks off on Sunday, October 6th in worship. This is our annual time of committing our resources of money, time, and abilities to the ministry and mission at MBPPC. We hope to undergird all we do in 2025 with strong support from everyone.

To be more specific, our Spiritual Giving Campaign is the time when we prepare resources for these things:

SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY WORSHIP, which requires staffing; heat, lighting, and sound in the sanctuary; sheet music for the choir; candles; bulletins; bread and grape juice for Communion;

SERVICE PROJECTS, including Operation Nightwatch, Operation Sandwich, and the True Hope Tiny House Village, all of which require commitments of time and abilities, and occasionally money;

LEARNING AND GROWING IN SPIRITUAL FRIENDSHIPS through Bible studies, dinner groups, Galship, occasional lunches, coffee hour, and other congregational events;

MAINTAINING A SOUND AND BEAUTIFUL BUILDING through heating, lighting, cleaning, repairing, waste disposal, housekeeping, and replacing worn out furnishings and equipment;

PAYING FOR OUR STAFF, including our Office Manager Clare Conrad, our Director of Music Ministries Tim Beggs, and me.

We hope that everyone will make their commitments during the three-week Spiritual Giving Campaign that runs from Sunday, October 6th through Sunday, October 27th. The Session encourages everyone to aim for a “modern tithe” of 5% of time and income. But whatever you can afford to contribute is greatly appreciated!

In Christ,


Chelsea Hockenbery