Summer, and looking ahead to fall
I hope everyone enjoyed our annual Old-Time Gospel Sunday, with the hymns and choral music and great food on the patio. My thanks to Tim Beggs and the choir members, The Grace Quartet, Ellen McLain and John Lowry, and Ben Saboonchian — our musicians. And thanks to Mary Lou Adams for the pulled pork, Linda and Wellington Westbrook for the pulled chicken, Ellen McLain for the coleslaw, and Charlie Logan for the lemonade.
We also had a second year of the re-established Vacation Bible School during the week of August 4th. This year, students learned the story of Joseph and his family from the Book of Genesis. They had a Bible story, sang, acted out a play, and made a model of Pharoah’s house. Thanks to Joan Stob, Krista Marceron, and Jenny Scroggs for leading VBS again this year, and for volunteers who brought craft supplies and set up the furniture on the patio. Thanks, also, to Martha Scott, Kayla Marceron, Rachel Marceron, and Ella Marceron, who helped with the children’s activities.
As we look ahead to fall, we will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the laying of the church building cornerstone on September 22nd (it was laid on September 21st, 1924), World Communion Sunday on October 6th, and our annual Remembrance Sunday on November 3rd.
May everyone have a good remainder of summer, with time to enjoy the warm days, rest, take vacations, and worship at MBPPC!
In Christ,